May Challenge
28 Days of Barre
Day 1: Full Body - Setting the Tone
Goal: I want you to feel excited and ready to start the May Challenge. In this video we work through a series of moves to remind our body of some of the key moves and form cues. Take your time and ease yourself into this workout. This is getting you prepped for the week ahead. And this day next week we'll up the anti. This is not meant to kill you.​
There are 2 recommended videos here. They are the same workout, but one is cut short but cutting out the abs. If you're pregnant or taking it east, the shorter one is the one for you.
What to expect: Mobility warm up | Floor glute work | Pliés | Leg lifts to the side & back | Ab work | Tricep Dips | Cool down
Keep your core engaged for your floor glutes. Do not compensate core control for leg height. Keep the leg low if it enables you to keep control of your core. Think ribs in and bellybutton to your spine. SQUEEZE your glutes.
Find your strong and and natural turn out - keep knees pulled back in your pliés by engaging your side glutes.
Pay attention to the direction of the knees & hips in your leg lifts.
When you're doing your ab exercises, take the modification if you can't maintain your lower back on the mat. Breathe and take your time.
*Always feel free to take a Live Class if there's one on.