May Challenge
28 Days of Barre
*Due to the Bank Holiday, this challenge begins on May 4th (Tuesday) and therefore the first week is 6 days long. If you're starting this after Tuesday 4th, just make a note that it's 6 days on week 1, the rest will be 7.
Welcome to The May Challenge, where you are going to commit to completing one video a day, dedicating time for yourself. It is important to know every day that there is going to be a window of time just for you. It's not about wearing yourself out over the month. Instead, you will build a healthy habit/routine of movement, a better focus on form and, of course, improved fitness, strength and mobility.
Now that we're heading into the summer, we might find ourselves with more plans (yay!), but hopefully this challenge shows you that you can make time to move your body even just for a little while.
Each day is planned out for you but you can switch things up. Just do something. If you're too tired, you can go for a walk, or even start a shorter video - you'd be surprised about what you can achieve once you commit to start. After you complete each video, you can make a note on how you felt and track your progress.
Order does not matter. My programming is a guide. You don't have to do each day in a row. Here are some ways you can customise it:
If you plan on attending a live class, you can do that instead of a video.
For example, if you want to do Wednesday's workout on Monday because it suits you better, then you can do that and tick it off. It doesn't matter that you're not completing workouts in order.
If you want to go for a run (or other exercise) instead of a video, you can note that in the tracker. It is a barre challenge but I understand you do other things too.
Note: Things happen, schedules change and last minute plans come up. You can take longer than 28 days to complete this if you want. It will not expire. Instead of skipping a workout, you can always take a day to do a different activity and pick up where you left off.
Formally join the challenge and track your challenge progress here.
Week 1
This first week is a 6 day week. Originally it started on a Tuesday - so if you're doing this at a later date, you can add in another workout/video/stretch/recovery sessions. All the other weeks are 7 days.​
This week you are doing 3 full body workouts, one upper body and a glute workout. You'll also see a stretch video to complete at the end of the week. If you need to cut it short, there is a "quick wins" section to allow you to keep your habit of movement. ​
The ultimate idea is to complete barre workouts for 28 days, but here's a quick reminder on the options you have if you need to switch things around:
Subbing/swapping out: If none of the selected videos suit you, just head to the "quick wins" section or pick something from the video library. If you're running or doing some other movement on that day instead, you can still mark the day complete as you have moved. You can also do a live class instead.
Re-order days: You can complete the days in a different order. For example, if you want Tuesday to be your full body day instead, you can use Monday to complete your inner thigh or upper body. In other words, you're starting on day 2 and then you'll go back to day 1.
Pausing: If you cannot complete a video on that day, it's not the end of the world. But ask yourself, do you need this day off or do you just not want to? There's a difference. If you're taking a movement free day, that's ok. You can pick back up where you left off. This just means you'll finish a day later.
Day 1: Full Body - Setting the Tone
Goal: I want you to feel excited and ready to start the May Challenge. In this video we work through a series of moves to remind our body of some of the key moves and form cues. Take your time and ease yourself into this workout. This is getting you prepped for the week ahead. And this day next week we'll up the anti. This is not meant to kill you.​
There are 2 recommended videos here. They are the same workout, but one is cut short but cutting out the abs. If you're pregnant or taking it east, the shorter one is the one for you.
What to expect: Mobility warm up | Floor glute work | Pliés | Leg lifts to the side & back | Ab work | Tricep Dips | Cool down
Keep your core engaged for your floor glutes. Do not compensate core control for leg height. Keep the leg low if it enables you to keep control of your core. Think ribs in and bellybutton to your spine. SQUEEZE your glutes.
Find your strong and and natural turn out - keep knees pulled back in your pliés by engaging your side glutes.
Pay attention to the direction of the knees & hips in your leg lifts.
When you're doing your ab exercises, take the modification if you can't maintain your lower back on the mat. Breathe and take your time.
*Always feel free to take a Live Class if there's one on.

Full Body: Setting the tone
If Pregnant or short on time:

Setting the Tone Class Without Abs - Express Version
Day 2: Barre Class - Thigh Burn Express
Goal: We are going to focus on our lower body today, while still working our core. We might feel a little sore from the day before if you've taken a break from barre but push through and really work on a strong 2nd position plié. Remember, we are not trying to max out this week but warm up for the weeks ahead. ​
What to expect: Mobility warm up | Narrow legged pliés | 2nd position pliés | Sumo Squats | Ab sequence
If pregnant, please do the second video. Keep your core engaged - ribs in
Keep your tailbone reaching down to the floor in your narrow legged pliés - it is not a squat.
In your 2nd position plié, it's the same thing - tailbone down. It's like you're trying to slide down between two walls. Think shoulders over hips. Keep your knees pulled back over 2nd & 3rd toes.
When we are doing our core exercises, we need to keep our entire spine on the floor.
If you're doing the second video, be careful with your leg height. We need to keep our bellybutton pulled towards our spine throughout. Lower the leg if you start to lose core control. You shouldn't feel pain in your lower back.
*Always feel free to take a Live Class if there's one on.

Thigh Burn with Abs
If Short on Time or Pregnant:

Easing in: Quick Body Blast
Day 3: Upper Body
Goal: We are giving our lower body a break in order to focus on our upper body. We want to really concentrate the burn in our arms - especially shoulders and triceps. Do not let your core go. Feel controlled throughout. We are going to add cans or light weights to increase the burn, but you can also do this without weight. Mind into the muscle and tryyyyy not to drop the arms until I tell you. Pretend I can see you!😉​
What to expect: Mobility warm up | Shoulder work with cans | Tricep work with cans | Optional leg exercises.
Keep your core pulled in.
Keep your shoulders drawn down your back.
If you need to, you can always pause the video and take a quick rest - but keep going!!!
If you're short on time, there is a 2nd video there for you.

Upper Body Burn With Cans
If short on time:

7 Min Arms with Cans
Day 4: Glutes
Goal: We're ready to put all our energy into our glutes today. Put your mind into the muscle, pay attention to hip direction and keep your core pulled in.
What to expect: Hip circles | Leg extensions | Hydrant lifts | Side lying glutes
*There is also a shorter option to choose below.
Lifting your leg should not impact your core or pelvic control. Keep the leg low if you need.
Pay attention to your hip direction - are the open or not.
Use your supporting hand to take some of the weight so that you're not dumping into your underneath leg.
Take a second if you need but use your breathe. Mind over burn!!
*Always feel free to take a Live Class if there's one on.

Glute Roaster
If Short on Time (not suitable for pregnancy)

19ish Min Glute Burn
Day 5: Barre Class - Thighs & Abs
Goal: Today we are isolating the lower body with some abdominals. You might be a bit sore but push through - you can do it!! You're getting a rest/stretch tomorrow so you got this!​
What to expect: Mobility warm up | Narrow & turned out pliés| Leg lifts and knee drives | Ab exercises
*There's a shorter sequence if you need it. It's intense on the legs - you can always do this and add on a quick video to work arms or core.
Pay attention to posture when in your pliés. When you turn out, make sure to turn out from the tops of your thighs.
Use your core when you're lifting your leg and keep it low if you need.
Pulse from the glute.
Keep your spine glued to the floor on the ab exercises and modify if needed - especially if post-partum.
Take time at the end to stretch it out.
*Always feel free to take a Live Class if there's one on.

Thigh & Ab Class
If Short on Time or pregnant:

Legs & Glutes Express
Day 6: Stretch it out
Goal: You should feel so so so proud after completing this first week. We are going to stretch it out now but well done for completing your first 6 days. Next week is a 7 day week so get ready to up the anti. We can do this!!! Stretch it out and feel good!
What to expect: Dynamic and static stretching sequence.
Breathe as you move into the stretch.
No sudden movements.
Take it easy and start small.

Stretching it out
Quick Wins