Maybe you've been feeling a little less motivated. Or maybe your schedule has gotten a little bit busier. Not to worry - that's totally normal. However, I do think it's so important that we continue to make time for some movement. With that in mind, I wanted to put together a 2 week program that encourages us to squeeze in 25 mins* (I know my time keeping isn't great) of movement everyday. It doesn't even have to be the movement I have selected for you. That's why I am calling it "25 Mins Your Way," because you need to make it work for yourself. There will be options to add on other quick videos, or else use the remaining time to go out for a walk or quick run (hopefully the weather is nice). I have recorded and selected some options, but just like with previous challenges, you can mix up the days, or else you can sub it out with your own movement. Going for a run or a nice brisk walk can also be a great option! I have also created an accountability section but creating a formal program where you can track progress, and tick off the days. You can start whenever you want. It will not expire. If you have any questions at any point, please let me know :) This will be great practice for our May Challenge.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app